Bill Moore and the Roswell Incident: The True Believers Deceived
By Robert G. Todd
Part 1: Introduction and Cover Letter
Through the efforts of the Fund for UFO Research
(FUFOR), three documents have been made available to the general public for almost ten
years. These documents consist of a 30 October 1947 cover letter from Air Force Brig. Gen.
George F. Schulgen, then Chief, Air Intelligence Requirements Division, Office of the
Assistant Chief of Staff, A-2 (Intelligence), and the two documents the cover letter
forwarded to "CSGID," apparently the Intelligence Division of the Army General
Staff. The two enclosures consisted of a document identified as "Intelligence
Requirements," and another document identified as a "Draft of Collection
All three documents appeared in a FUFOR publication entitled Documents and Supporting
Information Related to Crashed Flying Saucers and Operation Majestic Twelve, dated
June 22, 1987, compiled by Dr. Bruce Maccabee, then-Chairman of FUFOR. Dr. Maccabee's
narrative claimed the documents "were released by the National Archives in 1985"
and the declassification authority shown on Schulgen's cover letter indicates the
documents were copied for somebody on January 29, 1985.
All three documents also found their way into another report prepared by FUFOR, entitled The
Roswell Events, a supposed "Congressional briefing" revised and updated in
December of 1993, and which FUFOR furnished to a number of senators and congresspersons in
an attempt to enlist their support for an official inquiry (hearings) into the Roswell
incident. Not surprisingly, at least one copy of the "briefing" also found its
way into the files of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), headed by Dr.
John Gibbons, President Clinton's science advisor.
In addition to figuring in the wildly speculative theories contained in the narrative
portion of Dr. Maccabee's compilation, the three documents in question have been lauded in
two books by Timothy Good, Above Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret. In both
books, Good, a British "researcher," characterized the documents as "strong
evidence" that General Schulgen knew about the alien craft recovered during the
Roswell incident. American "researchers," Stan Friedman and Don Berliner,
co-authors of perhaps the most fantastically absurd book ever published on the Roswell
non-event, Crash at Corona, also pointed to these documents to support the idea
that the government lied about Roswell, and that an alien spaceship and its alien crew
actually were recovered, by the Air Force, which has hidden the "truth" from the
public ever since.
This would be all well and good, if not for one simple, indisputable fact:
All three
documents are fakes!
Peter Gersten, legal counsel for Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS), first brought these
documents to my attention in August of 1987, when he furnished me with copies. Gersten
suspected the documents were fakes and asked for my opinion. I compared the fake draft to
Intelligence Collection Memorandum No. 7, "Unconventional Aircraft," dated 21
January 1948 (which was the final, published version of the draft memo), and although the
classification markings on the draft seemed unusual for the time period, and numerous
other differences between the draft and final versions were noted, nothing stood out as
conclusive evidence that the documents were anything but authentic -- irrespective of the
reference to "interplanetary craft," which I merely attributed to differing
opinions that allegedly existed among military personnel who had official involvement with
the subject at the time. I informed Peter Gersten that I had no good reason to believe the
documents were not authentic. Nevertheless, the unusual classification markings nagged at
me for almost ten years.
During the intervening years, I received only two requests for copies of the three
documents as they appeared in the FUFOR publication, with one of those requests coming
late last year. Because the classification markings continued to haunt me, in each
instance when I furnished copies, I had to inform the recipient that, while I saw nothing
that stood out as proof the documents were fake, since I had not obtained the documents
myself, I could not vouch for their authenticity. After the second request for copies, I
decided to lay my suspicions to rest by obtaining copies of
originals from the National Archives. Archives personnel furnished those copies in
late January.
1: The Schulgen Cover Letter
A copy of the fake Schulgen cover letter accompanies this article as
Appendix 1, while a copy of the
genuine cover letter is labeled
2. A comparison of the two documents reveals the following anomalies:
1. The classification markings on the fake cover letter are different
from those on the genuine letter, and are unusual for the time period.
Without the genuine document for comparison, the classification
markings, in and of themselves, are not sufficient to justify calling
the fake letter a fake.
2. The genuine and fake cover letters both display handwritten
notations, "X452.1/misc" and "X0009 phenomena," that are cross
references to other decimal file numbers and titles. The hand writing on
the genuine and fake versions is different.
3. Although the text of the fake and genuine cover letters is the same
as the text of the genuine letter, it's clear that the fake was retyped
using a different typewriter. In particular, note the differences in
the typewritten numbers at the top of the page near the "SECRET" stamp,
and below the date, "30 OCT 1947," rubber stamped on both documents.
4. On Appendix 1 (the fake cover letter), the stamped date, "30 OCT
1947," clearly is a composite made by at least 2 different rubber
stamps. The letters in the "OCT" portion are noticeably larger than the
number portions, "30" and "1947." In addition, the year portions of
rubber stamp daters are formed as one piece, with the numbers spaced
closely together. On Appendix 1, however, the numbers are spread out
more than would be expected it the year had been applied with a real
date stamper. The numbers "47" in "1947" also appear to be slightly
raised, suggesting that each individual digit moved freely. Thus, it
appears that the "30" and "1947" portions were applied using a numbering
rubber stamp to achieve the day-month-year military style date stamp.
Also, it is highly unlikely that, in 1985 or 1986, the forger had access
to a date stamp that had the preformed year "1947" on it.
The letter "T" in the "OCT" portion of the date stamp on Appendix 1
appears to be slightly raised, which suggests that the "OCT" portion of
the date on the fake cover letter was formed using a do-it-yourself
rubber stamp kit known to be available to Bill Moore of Roswell fame.
5. At the bottom of the genuine cover letter (Appendix 2) there appears
a blocked area that was printed directly on the sheets used for carbon
copies using a printing press. These blocks were used to record the
initials of agency officials in the various offices involved in the
coordination. In the case of the cover letter, two offices coordinated
on it: AFOIR CO (the Col lection Branch of the Air Intelligence
Requirements Division), and AFBIR, which was Gen. Schulgen's office.
Appendix 2 shows that Lt. Col. George Garrett initialed the coordination
block for AFOIR-CO, and Gen. Schulgen initialed for his office.
A portion of the coordination block also appears at the bottom of the
fake cover letter (Appendix 1), and, oddly enough, the typed office
symbols, "AFOIR-CO" and "AFBIR," appear in exactly the same positions on
both copies. In addition, a small portion of Gen. Schulgen's initials
also appears on the fake, and, like the typed office symbols, that
portion of Schulgen's initials appearing on the fake version appears in
exactly the same position as on the genuine version. Since the fake and
genuine cover letters were typed on two different typewriters at
different times, the only reasonable explanation is that the
coordination block was cut off a copy of the genuine document and pasted
on the bottom of the fake for added authenticity.
6. It also appears that the stamps, "PRM 11681" and "HQ AAF" with "30
OCT 1947" and "AAG - MAIL BRANCH," were cut from a copy of the genuine
letter and pasted on the take. Overall it is clear the forger went to a
lot of trouble to make the fake cover letter look like the genuine cover
letter. At first glance, one could be mistaken for the other, and
without the genuine document to compare the two, there would be no good
reason to suspect forgery.
7. The declassification notice at the top of the fake cover letter does
not appear on the genuine cover letter, for good reason. The
declassification notice on the genuine cover letter was rubber stamped
on the document when it was copied for me. More important, however, is
the fact that the declassification notice on the fake cover letter also
was cut from another document and pasted onto the fake to add
authenticity, and to "validate" the document as one "released" by the
National Archives. In fact, the declassification notice on the take
cover letter was taken from one of the documents furnished to me by the
National Archives in 1985.
In 1984, I submitted a request to the Archives for the decimal 000.9,
"Flying Discs" records among the decimal correspondence files of the Air
Force Director of Intelligence that were located at the National
Archives facility in Suitland, Maryland at the time, as part of Record
Group 341. Mr. William G. Lewis was the archivist at the Suitland
facility who handled the request for me.
Because approximately 2,000 pages of records were involved, copies of
the records had to be shipped to me in batches. As each batch was
copied, a declassification "slug" was prepared, consisting of a slip of
paper with the declassification authority typed on it. Also contained on
the slug was the number assigned to the de classification action for the
records in question, as well as the name of the archivist who handled
the request for copies, and the date the copies were made, which, in the
case of the take cover letter was January 29, 1985. The declassification
slug then would be taped face down on the copy machine, so that the
declassification authority would appear on each copy automatically,
saving Archives personnel from the laborious task of stamping each
document individually. Once the copying was completed, the
declassification slug would be discarded, since it pertained to a
specific batch of records that had been copied on a specific date.
Sometimes the archivist's name or initials will be typed on the slug,
along with the date of copying, but sometimes this information will be
hand printed on the slug, as in the case of the fake cover letter. As it
turns out, the hand printed "W G Lewis" and "Jan 29, 1985" on the fake
cover letter are identical -- not just similar, but
identical -- to the
same information hand printed on a declassification slug used on one of
the batches of records furnished to me in 1985 by Mr. Lewis from the
decimal 000.9 files located at the Suitland facility.
Reproduced below as Exhibit 1 is a copy of the declassification slug
from the fake Schulgen cover letter. Exhibit 2 is a copy of the
declassification slug from the batch of 000.9 files copied for me on
January 29, 1985, and Exhibit 3 is a copy of the declassification slug
from the batch of 000.9 files copied for me on January 24, 1985. An
examination of Exhibits 1 and 2 will show that the hand printed
information is identical in both exhibits, although the printed
information on Exhibit 2 appears darker due to copying variations. The
hand printed information in Exhibit 3 appears similar to the others, but
not identical.

Also note that the declassification number does not appear in Exhibit 1,
the fake cover letter. This would have provided further evidence that
the fake is indeed a fake, since the declassification number applies to
records in Record Group 341. The genuine Schulgen cover letter was not
stored in Record Group 341 at the Archives' Suitland facility, where Mr.
Lewis worked in 1985. It was filed among the decimal correspondence
files of the Air Adjutant General (AAG) in Record Group 18, which were
stored at the main Archives in Washington, D.C. proper in 1985. (Both
sets of records have since been transferred to the National Archives at
College Park, Maryland.)
Also noteworthy is the fact that, although the top of the fake cover
letter shows a declassification slug for use on a copy machine, not one
of the pages of the supposed enclosures bears the declassification
notice, as if the notice on the cover letter was placed there only to
"validate" the document as having come from the National Archives.
A careful examination of the genuine cover letter shows that it was
prepared on the government size paper in use in 1947. Government size
paper was slightly smaller than the typical 8 1/2" x 11" paper used in
the civilian world. (In recent years, Congress changed the law so that
standard 8 1/2" x 11" paper would be used by all government agencies.)
As a result, the borders of the genuine cover letter appear on the copy
of the letter furnished to me by the Archives.
When the genuine cover letter is held up in front of the fake cover
letter so that the right-hand edge of the genuine letter is positioned
at the right-hand edge of the hand printed cross reference, "X 0009
Phenomena," on the fake letter, it becomes apparent that the fake letter
couldn't have been prepared on government size paper, even though it was
typed on a different typewriter, and even though it displays the printed
coordination blocks at the bottom, which were applied to genuine
government paper using a printing press. Had it been prepared on
government size paper, the left-hand margin would have been far too
narrow, and certainly would not have been considered acceptable.
Likewise, all pages of the two genuine enclosures to the genuine cover
letter also were typed on government-size paper then in use.
In addition, if the right-hand edge of the coordination blocks on the
fake and genuine cover letters are lined up, the handwritten word,
"Phenomena," would run off the page. The fake cover letter is,
therefore, a retyped cut-and-paste fake. There is NO doubt about it.
Because the fake cover letter could not have been prepared on
government-size paper, if the person who claims to have "found" the fake
documents in the Archives -- which almost certainly is the same person
who forged the documents -- comes forward and produces copies of the
documents from among genuine records at the Archives, it is safe to
predict that the documents this "person" will produce will
have to be on
8 1/2" x 11" paper. In addition, the cover letter will
not be on
onionskin-type paper used for carbon copies, will
not have the
coordination blocks at the bottom printed on it in ink from a printing
press, will not have the rubber stamp markings applied directly to the
paper, and will not have the coordinating officials' initials signed in
the coordination blocks in ink, and none of the documents will be on
government-size paper. In fact, the cover letter will
have to be a
modern day photocopy on modern-day 8 1/2" x 11" paper. All of the fake
documents will have to be on 8 1/2" x 11" paper. There is a possibility
that the retyped originals of the fake enclosures to the cover letter
were inserted into one of the files at the Archives by the forger -- but
they won't be on government-size paper.
In addition, the "SECRET" stamp at the top of the cover letter clearly
was applied over the retyped information, "AFOIR-CO/Lt. Col. Garrett,"
which means it had to be applied using a rubber stamp when the document
was forged circa 1985-86. Furthermore, the "SECRET" marking at the top
of the cover letter matches the "SECRET" markings on the fake
enclosures, which further verifies that the enclosures are indeed fakes.
Since it is unlikely the forger sat in an Archives reading room and
applied the fake "SECRET" stamps to fake documents, it is possible the
forger typed up the fake enclosures to the cover letter, applied the
fake "SECRET" stamps and then went to the Archives and inserted the
fakes into a file, in which case they may not be photocopies. but they
certainly will be on 8 1/2" x 11" paper and not on government-size
paper. If the fake cover letter also was inserted into a file at the
Archives, it will have to be a photocopy on modern-day, 8 1/2" x 11"
photocopy paper.
8. Handwritten along the right-hand edge of the genuine cover letter is
the notation, "350.09 Intelligence," which is the decimal number and
title of the file in which the genuine document is located. The fake
cover letter bears no such notation, perhaps to thwart attempts to find
the genuine documents. According to the Archives, copies of the genuine
documents are not filed in "452.1 Misc." or in "000.9 Phenomena," files
that are cross-referenced on both the fake and genuine cover letters. By
leaving out the reference to "350.09 Intelligence," perhaps the forger
thought his forgery would never be uncovered. Without the genuine
documents, it's very difficult (if not impossible) to prove forgery.
Part 2: Draft of Collection Memorandum, "Draft" Enclosure No. 1, Essential Elements of Information »»